August 5, 2024

August 5, 2024- Chamber of Commerce Meeting Agenda

6:00pm- Stop and Read Books

Meeting called to order 6:10pm


Mandi Sanchez

Joe Williams

Kendall Craig

Kate Calder

Lindsay Smith

Topics of Discussion

  • Approve previous meetings minutes

    • Kate Calder moves to approve

    • Lindsay Smith seconds

    • All in favor

    • Approved

  • Press release updates- Lindsay Smith

  • Beer and alcohol updates- Joe Williams

  • Pre-MLF Cash Needs- Kate Calder

    • Reviewed cash outlay needs for the Marfa Lights Festival

  • Sponsorship Updates- Kendall Craig

  • Volunteer Updates- All

  • Vendor Updates- Mandi Sanchez

  • Membership Updates-All

  • August Meeting Schedule-All

  • Kendall Craig motions to adjourn

    • Mandi Sanchez seconds

    • All in favor

    • Meeting ends 7:15pm


Joe Williams- President

Lindsay Smith- Secretary

Marfa Chamber